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Saturday, 30 November 2019
InventureX - Maximizing Your Funding Potential
InventureX is product launch firm that specializes in crowdfund marketing and online advertising. InventureX believes that crowdfunding is the future of entrepreneurship. Launching a new business idea has never been easier. InventureX is committed to helping entrepreneurs and inventors turn their ideas into reality through the use of crowdfunding. 

The programs InventureX has available for startups, entrepreneurs, and inventors include everything you would need to go from an idea to a hugely profitable business. Whether its product development, branding, crowdfunding marketing, or consulting, InventureX has you covered. Preparing for your first crowdfunding campaign is easy when you have the professional team at InventureX review your idea and create the perfect launch strategy. Visit InventureX crowdfunding for more details. 

InventureX crowdfunding programs are a full launch service for Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other platforms. Crowdfunding allows you to raise funding for your idea and kickstart your business. Many entrepreneurs use InventureX to prove their product or service in the marketplace. Inventors often rely on InventureX to help them raise money to finish product development and fund their manufacturing. Crowdfunding with InventureX is a great way to raise capital without going into debt or losing control of your company. 

Crowdfunding on Kickstarter or Indiegogo can be difficult without the right help. InventureX combines their extensive crowdfund marketing expertise with their experience launching early stage products and startups. The latest tools and crowdfund marketing strategies used by InventureX can help you identify and reach your target audience, gain massive exposure for your brand, and position your new project or service in the marketplace. The mission of InventureX is to help you from start to finish to have a successful crowdfunding launch and maximize your funding potential. 

InventureX crowdfund marketing programs are customized to fit your exact needs. Some of the services available include pre-launch crowdfund marketing, consulting, branding, project setup, social media promotions, and online advertising. Crowdfund marketing requires a combination of strategy, tactics, and insight. InventureX does not rely on “luck” when launching a crowdfunding campaign. The proven strategies of InventureX are designed to minimize failure and maximize the funding you can raise on your crowdfunding campaign. 

When InventureX reviews your crowdfunding idea they use an internal review process to determine if your product or service is suitable for crowdfunding. InventureX believes that adequate planning is the key crowdfunding success. Every project that InventureX launches is well coordinated over several weeks or months to ensure it will have the necessary exposure to hit its funding goals. Partnering with InventureX means having a dedicated crowdfund marketing team behind you and your next crowdfunding campaign that is committed to getting results. 

Thinking about launching a crowdfunding campaign for your big idea? InventureX may be able to help you! The first step to partnering with InventureX includes an in-depth InventureX crowdfunding review of your business idea. You can also learn more at

Posted by julierobichaud at 11:33 PM EST
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